At the Übersee-Museum, the focus is on the diversity of life, living together and perspectives on our world. We are much more than a museum: We are a place of encounter, exchange and inspiration for a common togetherness. On more than 10,000 square meters, we bring the cultural and natural spaces of our earth to life, constantly negotiating current topics such as migration, climate change or global economic issues.
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The Übersee-Museum currently has no vacancies.
“We love the diversity of nature, cultures, themes, objects and the stories they tell. This diversity enriches and broadens our horizons. We want visitors to share in this.”
“We want to inspire, beyond the museum visit.”
Mission Statement of the Übersee-Museum
You can also find the Übersee-Museum on social networks: From current information about highlight events to insights behind the scenes, you can always stay up to date here!
Visit our YouTube channel with short tours and insights into our exhibitions:
YouTube channel