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Uwe Löhmann
T 0421 160 38 - 0

Uebersee-Museum-Organigramm (PDF)
Aufbau eines Raumeinnehmenden Objektes aus Pfählen. Um das Objekt stehen Leitern und Werkzeug ist sichtbar.

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Booking Service Learning & Public Engagement

Anmeldung für Programme
T 0421 160 38 - 555


Petra Wollgast
T 0421 160 38 - 0

Assistant to the Management Board

Jennifer Hahn
T 0421 160 38 - 101
F 0421 160 38 - 99

Event Management

Svenja Biet
T 0421 160 38 - 150
F 0421 160 38 - 99


Ulrike Beins
T 0421 160 38 - 120


Jutta Krämer
T 0421 160 38 - 121

Friends of the Übersee-Museum | Administration

Sabine Eichler
T 0421 160 38 - 123

Financial Director

Gabriele Müller
T 0421 160 38 - 101

Gabriele Müller (born 1965) studied business sciences, with special focus on macroeconomics, in Paderborn. Following working experience in Münster and Gladbeck, employed at the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen since 1995. Here, employed at the Senator for Finances (1995 – 2002) as well as the Bremer Investitions-Gesellschaft mbH (2003 – 2008), with the topic of decentralised controlling and as a research assistant in the investigative committee Construction and Real Estate (2002 – 2003). Managing director of the Übersee-Museums Bremen since February 2008.

Head of Shop

Pamela-Alexandra Poetschki
T 0421 160 38 - 140
F 0421 160 38 - 99

Wiebke Ahrndt (born 1963), ethnology / Meso-American studies in Goettingen and Bonn. Different study and research visits in Los Angeles and Mexico. In 1996, doctorate in Meso-American studies. From the end of 1999 until the beginning of 2002, head of American department at the Museum der Kulturen in Basel (Museum of Cultures). Since March 2002, director of the Übersee-Museum Bremen. October 2006, honorary professor in the faculty of Cultural Science at the University of Bremen. From 2011 until 2018 vice president of the Deutsche Museumsbund (German Museum Association).

Etta Grotrian (born 1971), studied History, Comparative Religious Studies and Law in Bonn and Berlin. From 2001 to 2018 Project Manager (Documentation and New Media) at the Jewish Museum Berlin. From 2014 to 2018 lecturer at the University of Bremen and Freie Universität Berlin (Digital History, Public History). Since June 2018 at Übersee-Museum Bremen.

Research Assistant Oceania Project

Jan Waßmann
T 0421 160 38 - 402

Curator America and Oceania

Dr. Claudia Roch
T 0421 160 38 - 302

Co-Curator Oceania

Mitiana Arbon
T 0421 160 38 - 330

Mitiana Arbon (born 1993) studied from 2012-2017 a double Bachelors degree in Arts and Pacific Studies majoring in Heritage and Museum Studies, Art Theory, Pacific studies, and Anthropology at the Australian National University. In 2017 he completed a first-class Honours dissertation. In 2018 he started his doctoral research in Pacific studies at the Australian National University. He has experiences tutoring and lecturing at the Australian National University. From 2019 he worked as an Archivist and Digital Officer for the Pacific Manuscripts Bureau in Canberra. His focus areas are Pacific material culture, art, and cultural identity. Since April 2021 he has been the Oceania Co-Curator at the Übersee-Museum Bremen.


Doris Neumann-Recker
T 0421 160 38 - 313

Conservator | Administration Collection Management

Tamara Exner
T 0421 160 38 - 312


Conny Ammermann
T 0421 160 38 - 310

Collections Storage Manager

Thomas Schelske
T 0421 160 38 - 310

Curator Africa Collection

Silke Seybold
T 0421 160 38 - 301

CV and Publications - in german (PDF)

Silke Seybold (born 1969), studied ethnology (area of focus Africa), geography and pedagogy in Mainz and London. 1995, field research in Ethiopia. As of 1999, development and execution of the project aimed at establishing the historical photo archive at the Übersee-Museum Bremen. Subject area management for Africa at the Übersee-Museum Bremen since 2003. Furthermore, project management of a number of different exhibition projects and repeatedly lecturer at the University of Bremen.

Head of the Department of Ethnology | Curator Asia Collection

Dr. Renate Noda
T 0421 160 38 - 300

CV and Publications - in german (PDF)

Renate Noda (born 1965) studied Sinology in Bonn, study visit in Jinan, Shandong province, People’s Republic of China 1991, master’s degree in the field of Sinology. Long-term residence in Kumamoto, Japan and Hong Kong. Study toward a dissertation in Japanology in Vienna, 2010 doctorate. 2004-2010, curator for Eastern Asia at the Museum for Ethnology in Vienna. Between 2002 and 2010, teaching assignments in the Sinology and Japanology departments at the University of Vienna. Since 2010, Head of the Department of Ethnology at the Übersee-Museum Bremen. Board member of the German-Japanese Society in Bremen from 2011 to 2016.

Exhibition Coordination

Annika Simon
T 0421 160 38 - 520

Learning and Public Engagement

Helen Böhmen
T 0421 160 38 511

Learning and Public Engagement

Dr. Anne Wesche
T 0421 160 38 - 512

Booking Service Learning & Public Engagement

Olga Rosenthal
T 0421 160 38 - 555

Learning and Public Engagement

Carina Ohloff
T 0421 160 38 - 513

Community Outreach

Susanne Hammacher
T 0421 160 38 - 510


Thorsten Günther
T 0421 160 38 - 410
F 0421 160 38 - 99

Assistant Curator

Dr. Diana Michler-Kozma
T 0421 160 38 - 203

Diana Michler-Kozma (born 1988), studied biology at the University of Duisburg-Essen from 2012 to 2017, specialising in limnology and toxicology. From 2015 to 2016, research at the Coastal Marine Field Station in Tauranga, New Zealand. 2018 to 2022 doctorate at the Institute of Landscape Ecology at the Westphalian Wilhelms University Münster on the topic of “Verbleib und Effekte von Plastikeinführungen in strömungsberuhigten Binnengewässern” (Fate and effects of plastic inputs in flow-calmed inland waters). Since March 2022 research assistant at the Übersee-Museum Bremen.


Nina Richelmann
T 0421 160 38 - 212

Technical Assistant Collection Natural History

Alexander Horn
T 0421 160 38 - 211

Curator of Botany

Dr. Michaela Grein
T 0421 160 38 - 202

CV and Publications - in german (PDF)

Michaela Grein (born 1980) studied geosciences in Tübingen. 2006–2007, 2009–2012 and 2014–2017 research assistant at the University of Tübingen, the State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart and the National museum Prague. 2007–2009 doctorate scholarship holder of the “Landesgraduiertenförderung (LGF) Baden-Württemberg”. 2012–2014 scientific volunteer at the Übersee-Museum Bremen. Since 2017 head of the botany subject area at the Übersee-Museum Bremen.

Curator of Entomology

Dr. Volker Lohrmann
T 0421 160 38 - 201

CV and Publications - in german (PDF)

Volker Lohrmann (born 1981) studied biology in Mainz and Berlin. 2006 to 2007 scientific volunteer at the “Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe”. 2007-2010 doctorate scholarship holder of the “Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes” (German National Academic Foundation). Research and field trips, among others, in Arizona, Florida and London. 2011-2014, research assistant at the University of Potsdam, the Museum für Naturkunde (Museum of Natural History) Berlin and the Max-Planck Institute in Bremen. 2012-2014 member of the taxonomy work group of the Leopoldina. Head of the entomology subject area at the Übersee-Museum Bremen since 2013.

Head of the Department Natural History

Dr. Michael Stiller
T 0421 160 38 - 200

CV and Publications - in german (PDF)

Michael Stiller (born 1961) studied biology in Marburg. From 1990 to 1994, research assistant at the Alfred Wegener Institute for polar and marine research in Bremerhaven. 1995, doctorate at the University of Bremen in biology. Since 1996, self-employed as biologist in the field of marine faunistics. From 1998 to 2011, collaboration at the Übersee-Museum in a number of different exhibition projects. Since February 2012, head of the department of natural history at the Übersee-Museum. Since 2013, vice chairman of the Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins Bremen (Natural History Society of Bremen).

Head of PR and Marketing

Julia Ditsch
T 0421 160 38 104

Marketing Assistant

Katharina Wilks
T 0421 160 38 - 107


Wiebke Hasselmann
T 0421 160 38 - 106

Press and Social Media

Charlotte Altenmüller
T 0421 160 38 - 105

Charlotte Altenmüller (born 1991), cultural studies and arts management at the University of Lüneburg and the University of Music Weimar. Study visits in Rom 2012 and Leeds 2016. Assistant Curator PR and Marketing at the Übersee-Museum Bremen from March 2017 until February 2019. Since March 2019 responsible for Press Relations and Social Media at the Übersee-Museum Bremen.

Freelancer Photography

Volker Beinhorn
T 0421 160 38 - 320

Provenance Research

Bettina von Briskorn
T 0421 160 38 - 401

CV and Publications - in german (PDF)

Bettina von Briskorn (born 1966), studied history and cultural science at the University of Bremen. 1995, degree Master of Arts. 1996-1998 and 2000-2002, research assistant at the Übersee-Museum. 2006-2007, general management assistant at Bremer Geschichtenhaus (Bremen’s House of History) in Schnoor. From 1999 self-employed in museum education and education for adults. Since 2015, provenance researcher at the Übersee-Museum. She is currently running the project “Ahnen- und Trophäenschädel aus ehemals Deutsch-Neuguinea. Annäherung an Provenienz und Erwerbung einer Sammlung kulturell sensibler Objekte in den Beständen des Übersee-Museums Bremen” (Ancestral and trophy skulls from former German New Guinea. Approach to provenance and acquisition of a collection of culturally sensitive objects in the holdings of the Übersee-Museum Bremen), which is funded by “Deutsches Zentrum Kulturgutverluste”.

Head of the trade history and provenance research

Dr. Jan Christoph Greim
T 0421 160 38 - 400

CV and Publications - in german (PDF)

Jan Christoph Greim (born 1982), studied classical archeology and history at the Ruhr University in Bochum. 2018 PhD in history of technology. From 2011 to 2013 research assistant at the German Maritime Museum in Bremerhaven. In 2012 project manager at Talentakademie Ruhr and lecturer at Osnabrück University. Early 2014 to early 2016 scientific traineeship and then project manager (2016-2017) at the Focke-Museum, Bremen State Museum for Art and Cultural History. Between mid-2017 and February 2020 head of the Museum Moorseer Mühle in Nordenham. Since March 2020 head of the trade-history department at the Übersee-Museum Bremen.


Mehmet Erkek
T 0421 160 38 - 132


Rainer Holsten
T 0421 160 38 - 131

Facility Management

Frank Bednarek
T 0421 160 38 - 130

Head of Workshops

Malte Hampe
T 0421 160 38 - 521

Lisa Korge (born 1986), studied European Culture and History of Ideas, Applied Cultural Studies and History in Karlsruhe and Konstanz. Master’s degree 2015. Doctoral studies at the University of Konstanz, funded by the Landesgraduiertenförderung (LGF) Baden-Württemberg. From 2015 to 2018 member of the Leibniz Prize Research Unit ‘Global Processes’ at the University of Konstanz. Since April 2021 research assistant at the Übersee-Museum Bremen.

Research assistant

Dr. Ina Schenker
T 0421 160 38 - 402
F 0 421 160 38 - 99

CV and Publications - in german (PDF)

Ina Schenker (born 1986), 2007 to 2010 German-French studies at Rheinische-Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn / Université Paris IV Sorbonne (BA) and from 2010 to 2013 transnational literature studies at Universität Bremen (MA). From 2013 to 2015 scholarship of Universität Bremen and Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (scholarship of the German people). Since 2013 self-employed theatre-educator and actress at AMS!-Theater (Bremen) and at BIK City Impro (Bremen). From 2015 to 2021 research assistant for romance studies at Universität Bremen as well as from 2018 to 2019 ForstA-commission (Forschend Studieren von Anfang an/studying accompanied by researching from the start on) for M.A. transnational literature studies. 2020 doctorate in transnational culture and media studies. Since march 2021 research assistance in in trade history at Übersee-Museum Bremen.